Launching at after 100 alchemists in Telegram

In a distant land, far beyond the horizon, lay the kingdom of Solana. The king proclaimed a rich reward for any alchmemieist who could discover the formula for creating gold. Many volunteered, but most vanished after their first payment.

One man stood apart. He sought no riches, only bread and ale. Some hailed him as a hero seeking glory, others whispered of his love for the king’s daughter. But the truth was far stranger:

He was fucking crazy!

The quest for a secret gold formula consumed my mind. I won’t rest until I find it. I’ll try over and over. Join me on this journey!


Token Supply: 1,000,000,000
Liquiditiy Pool: Locked
Mint Auth: Revoked
Buy and Sell Tax: 0%

Ah, let me regale you with the essence of our grand venture! As the Alchmemeist, I declare this is a 100% community-driven project, free from rug pulls and devoid of developer holdings. Our one and only goal? To concoct high-quality memecoins that turn profits for our merry band of misfits. The only gold we seek comes from your generous tips, aligning our fortunes with yours. So, if your pockets grow heavy with riches, do toss a coin our way! Together, we ride the wave of wealth and whimsy!



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DISCLAIMER: We’ll do our best to promote all alchmemist tokens, but please remember that we have no other influence over its value.

DISCLAIMER: Cryptocurrency may be unregulated in your jurisdiction. The value of cryptocurrencies may go down as well as up. Profits may be subject to capital gains or other taxes applicable in your jurisdiction.